volunteer helping students in computer lab
  • Metro North ABE is a partner of the RSVP Volunteer Program. All Metro North ABE volunteers age 55+ are eligible to join this free program. 

    About RSVP:

    RSVP is part of AmeriCorps Seniors, one of the largest volunteer efforts in the nation. Since 1971, it has linked the skills and experience of older adults with community needs. RSVP serves an 11 county area, supporting people 55 and over in volunteer service at our partner organizations. 

    RSVP Benefits Include:

    • Free Supplemental Insurance: RSVP members are covered by free supplemental insurance when they volunteer. In the unfortunate event that something happens to an RSVP member while volunteering, or traveling to or from their volunteer position, the supplemental insurance will help cover deductibles and out of pocket expenses related to the accident.
    • Travel Reimbursement: Upon request, the RSVP Volunteer Program can reimburse a portion of a volunteer’s related out-of-pocket transportation expenses. This is optional, and it can be used for travel by car, bus, or Metro Mobility.
    • Annual Recognition Events: RSVP Volunteer Program members gather each year to celebrate volunteering accomplishments. These events are a wonderful opportunity to meet fellow volunteers and celebrate the important work that seniors do. The RSVP Volunteer Program also provides enrichment events and other informal gatherings.
    • Additional Volunteer Support: The RSVP Volunteer Program will continue to be available to provide ongoing information and support as a RSVP member’s needs evolve.

     The work our volunteers do is crucial and appreciated, and RSVP benefits are one way to say Thank You!